Now that we are well into the month of September, it is only right that we turn to that most treasured of birthstones: the Sapphire, gemstone of wisdom.
"Sappheiros", the Greek word from which we derive our modern English spelling, means "blue stone", and some scholars believe that the original reference was to lapis lazuli, another blue stone that reminded the ancients of the sky. The Latins called it "Sapphirus" which also meant blue. Because of this association with the heavens, Sapphire was generally believed to be a celestial stone that was favored by Zeus, and Apollo of the Greeks, and the Persians believed that a giant Sapphire supported the whole earth which was reflected in the color of the sky.
The Hebrews had a tradition of belief that the Sapphire was a stone of prophecy and wisdom. As well as featuring in the Breastplate of the High Priest Aaron, with Sapphire/Lapis Lazuli being inscribed with name of the tribe of Benjamin, the Sapphire is also an important gemstone in the New Heaven of Revelations as recorded by St. John.
No culture on earth has failed to appreciate the regal quality and enchantment of the Sapphire, and why not? The most popular color on the planet, is blue. It is the color of the sea and sky, and evokes thoughts of strength as well as eternity. It should be no surprise that men and women have come to associate the Sapphire with an enduring and calm balanced life. Fidelity, chastity, and temperate behavior have been ascribed to this gemstone, and to those to whom it is given. It was believed that if the person who wore such a jewel did not possess these qualities, the Sapphire would grow dim in time.
At Margulis Jewelers, our love of the Sapphire is well evident. Choosing to present only natural Sapphires as our ancient predecessors would have, modernized by elegant facet cutting, we delight in presenting only the best colors for our guests. Happy is the man or woman whose birthday falls in this month! Treasured by both, if you have someone special celebrating a mile stone, anniversary, or especially a birthday this month, consider a royal gift in the Sapphire.